Friday, February 29, 2008


Today’s visit with BB went very well. I introduced him to the magical world of bubbles, he loved them, he was totally enchanted until I wouldn’t let him put the little bubble blower in his mouth, he is definitely strong willed! A little later in the visit he decided today was a good day to show me his crawling and climbing skills, he was all over the play room today. It was nice to see that he was comfortable enough to move around and show me his stuff!

This afternoon I had what I thought was a good idea, I decided to ask the front desk at the hotel for a street map so I could take a different path on my walk. Sure, they gave me a map, no problem, not for them anyway. I think it’s in Kazakh, if not it’s in Russian, neither of which I can read. Even if I could read one of the two, some of the street signs are in Russian and some are in Kazakh so the map didn’t do me much any good, I don’t know what I was thinking.

I walked during their ‘rush hour’ today, the traffic and noise are just like New York City, it’s very heavy and they are not afraid to use their horns! I must look like I belong, twice I was stopped and I’m assuming asked for directions. I have no idea what they wanted and I’m pretty sure they had no idea what I was saying either. To those of you who said I should have learned a few words of Russian before I left, maybe you should have told me to learn a few Kazakh words too! There is no way I could have learned enough of either of these two languages for it to be of any assistance to me. I would’ve also had to learn to differentiate between the two, no way, I’ll stick with my few English words and be happy with that!

Tomorrow I’m going to the baby house very early so I should be able to feed BB, we’ll see. Have a good day/night, Chris


Aaron and Julie said...

I remember being ask for directions, too - isn't a great feeling? I loved thinking that I didn't completely stand out as an American - until I opened my mouth to speak, that is :) So glad the medical went well! We can't wait to hear more abotu BB :)

greta said...

Even WE were asked by people for directions! So funny!!!!
What a great visit you had. I'm the dork that never thought to bring bubbles- good idea. Actually, I regret that we didn't take more toys. We spent most of the time kissing and hugging and singing songs because there wasn't much else to do. We couldn't take her outside and we were stuck in one room. Ohhhh, I would give anything to be with her again.

Anonymous said...

Hi Chris! Was great to catch up on your last few postings - sounds like things are going very well. BB sounds like a wonderful boy! Was thinking back to your posting on the Kazhaks on ice - maybe BB will like ice hockey! could be a genetic thing! So maybe we get the Rangers jersey AND the Yankees jersey... actually, he'll need a RED WINGS jersey!

Anonymous said...

Chris, reading your comments everyday is just so exciting. It sounds like you are doing incredibly well with BB.

Be careful and don't get lost.

Lisa F. said...

Sounds like you're progressing nicely with BB. Keep up the good work, it will all payoff in the end!

Love, Lisa

Anonymous said...

HI Chris, I'm enjoying your blog. Sounds like everything is going well. SO glad the medical went well. What an incredible experience you are having! Pictures are beautiful, I didn't envision it that way. I hope you get to feed BB today. Looking forward to more...