Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Baby House Day 10

Today BB’s cold seemed a little better and he was a much happier boy. He ate his white mush and his brown mush for me and drank all of his milk, no fussing and no help from any care takers. Then we played for a while, he was into every toy in the room. I can see why he gets such good care, when his caretaker came in to get him he took off over to her and smiled and laughed, he was so excited to see her, he was as happy as could be. She was just as happy to receive all of that love from him, he is very attached to his caretakers and they are just as attached to him. I can’t wait until he reacts to me that way, in time.

I finally made it to the TsUM today, it’s huge. I picked up a few things for BB so he will have some things that relate to his birth country when he is home.

When I arrived in Kazakhstan, it was cold with ice and snow every where. In the last ten days it has gotten progressively warmer and you can tell spring is coming. My ride to the baby house is about an hour and 15 minutes each way. When we first started going, we passed many large snow covered farming fields. Over the last couple of days I have been watching men prepare the fields for the spring plantings. I don’t know when I will be back for my next trip but it will be interesting to see nature’s progress when I return. Hopefully it will be soon and there will be very little progress!

Chrissy, a.k.a C2, happy birthday!! Have a good day/night. Chris

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