Monday, March 3, 2008

Baby House Day 8

As of this afternoon, I have completed day eight of my fourteen day bonding period and I’m pretty sure BB is enjoying himself. Today his cold was a little worse and he was cranky but it came and went, he was moving all over the place when he forgot to be cranky. In between his laps there were moments of whining but he was laughing and enjoying himself too! Overall I think we had a good visit.

I believe it is against their better judgment but they are still letting me feed him. I think I’m getting credit for persistence. Today all went well with his porridge but he didn’t want to drink his milk. They heard him fusing and came in, poured the milk into his empty porridge bowl and fed his milk to him with the oversized spoon they use to feed BB with. Another speed feeding trick, I guess I’ll learn more of their tricks as I show my inability to feed him to their standards. Little do they know, soon he will have a baby spoon and he will be using one himself, but we’ll keep that to ourselves for the time being.

It seems to be getting warmer here, the snow is melting and the sun is shining, not bad weather to walk around the city. I get back to the hotel from the baby house at about one o’clock so I have plenty of time to explore the city. With help from other adoptive parents who have been here before, I have been making some progress, I have been getting off the main street and seeing some of the sites on the side streets. Today we met a translator from another agency who took us to Ramstor, it’s a huge mall with an indoor ice skating rink and it’s very close to my hotel, only about a fifteen minute walk.

Tomorrow I have my sites set on TsUM, it is supposed to be the place to go to get all things Kazakhstan. After that, the market is next! We’ll see if my plans and my execution come together. Take care, Chris


Anonymous said...

Hi Chris, you have made such great progress with BB in learning speed feeding (and drinking with a spoon!!!!), and also in getting him to know and accept you and to play both with you and by himself with his toys while you are nearby. Good stuff. Wow, I loved the pictures of the camels and enjoyed seeing the pic of other adoptive families. Makes me feel I'm right there w/u. By the way, how old is BB? He sure is going to miss you when your bonding visit'll miss him. Love Aunt Sandy

Gretchen said...

It's so hard to feed them! Don't worry, he will slow down once he gets home with you and realizes it won't disappear in five minutes of he doesn't finish it and that there is always food around.

Tsum is a fun store but can be overwhelming, especially the first floor. We went several times to get souvenirs.

Lisa F. said...

Those of us who know you know that you are persistent! Keep up the good work, I'm sure it will come to you and once you get him home you can both relax a little!



Anonymous said...

Speed feeding!!! I think that is what your brother does now. Him and BB will sure get along. Like uncle, like nephew.

Aaron and Julie said...

Have fun at Tsum - as Gretchen said it can be very overwhelming. The 3rd floor has all of the souveniers. The market is just a few blocks away, on the other side of silk way mall.

Kim said...

You will like the Tsum, its fun. Lots of great things to get for BB.