Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Some pictures from my stroll yesterday. I thought I was in Kazakhstan, not France. I think this is the front of a casino. Thanks to Beth who commented, this is not a casino, it is a high end clothing store, she said think $1000 shoes. It might as well be a casino, at least if I wsa going to throw away $1000, I would have some fun doing it!


Julian and Sara said...

I love this shot!!! Do you mind if I try to steal - I mean simulate - it on the next sunny day when the reflection is just right? By the way, this tower is about halfway between your hotel and our apartment. Maybe a bit closer to you.

So sorry we missed dinner tonight!

Anonymous said...

FYI -- the "Eiffel Tower" is just a front for a high end European clothing/jewelry store -- think $1,000 leather shoes, Armani suits, jewelry and cosmetics. After walking past it for many many weeks during our adoption a few years ago, we finally got the nerve to walk in and were somewhat disappointed it wasn't anything more. Maybe part of the mystique is not knowing what lies inside.