Thursday, May 22, 2008
Things To Do While Waiting
We all know that there are various waiting periods during this process. Unfortunately some of us, me, get to repeat some of the waiting periods. So what do you do while waiting; fix the house, gardening, reading parenting books, these all sound like good ideas to me. I‘m redoing my dossier and updating my homestudy. I was notified Wednesday that most of my documents are going to expire in early June and since I don’t know when I will be going back to court again, I need to redo them and I need to redo them as quickly as possible. I’m kind of stuck, I don’t know when my court date is, will my documents expire before or after my court date, will my documents be OK if they are submitted to the court before they expire even if the court date is after they expire, what if I get a court date and they are not updated, will that delay court yet again? So I’m incurring the additional expense, redoing a lot of my documents and trying to get this done as quickly as possible so if I do get a court date, I will be able to back again. This should keep me busy for at least some of this repeat wait. Take care, Chris
Sunday, May 18, 2008
No New News
This is just a quick update to let you know that I don’t have any new news. They are still trying to find out more information about the court decree. I’m guessing that after they are able to find out about the decree decisions will be made about when I may be able to go back to Kazakhstan again. Waiting and not knowing are hard. Chris
Saturday, May 10, 2008
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
Some of you have heard me say that this process is one of extreme highs and extreme lows. The joy you experience is often tempered by the reality of the process. This past week I hit what I hope will be the lowest low in my adoption process.
I have to go back to Kazakhstan for another court date. That means that I have taken a huge step backwards in this process. I am now back to waiting for a court date. I am not sure when I will be going back; a temporary legal decree put forth by the higher court in the region prevented me from going before the judge. We are trying to find out when the decree expires so I can go back then.
I was hoping after this last trip that I would be at eight long flights down and four to go. It didn't work out that way, now I'm back to eight flights down and eight more to go.
I would like to thank all of you for your support, kind words and prayers. Please continue to keep me in your prayers so that I get a quick court date and a positive outcome in court.
On a sad note, at home this morning I had to put my cat, Midnight down. I have had Midnight for almost sixteen years and she was healthy up until the last couple of months. She showed her spirit this morning when she growled and hissed at the vet one last time. I’ll miss her. I put some pictures of her below. Chris
I have to go back to Kazakhstan for another court date. That means that I have taken a huge step backwards in this process. I am now back to waiting for a court date. I am not sure when I will be going back; a temporary legal decree put forth by the higher court in the region prevented me from going before the judge. We are trying to find out when the decree expires so I can go back then.
I was hoping after this last trip that I would be at eight long flights down and four to go. It didn't work out that way, now I'm back to eight flights down and eight more to go.
I would like to thank all of you for your support, kind words and prayers. Please continue to keep me in your prayers so that I get a quick court date and a positive outcome in court.
On a sad note, at home this morning I had to put my cat, Midnight down. I have had Midnight for almost sixteen years and she was healthy up until the last couple of months. She showed her spirit this morning when she growled and hissed at the vet one last time. I’ll miss her. I put some pictures of her below. Chris
Monday, May 5, 2008
Things Did Not Go As Planned
Very quickly, a legal decree stopped us dead in our tracks today. This means that I will have to make two more trips back to Kazakhstan, one for court and one to bring BB home. Before anyone asks what happened today or when I will be coming back, please don’t! Just let me be. Chris
Baby Boy
At about 4 PM today I was able to see BB. It took him a minute or two and then he realized who I was, his large play mate from some time ago. We played with bubbles (I never leave the USA without them) and his See ‘N Say. He has two new top teeth, the two that were making him miserable the last few days I spent with him. He is still not walking; I going to go with he’s saving his first steps for me! I was only able to spend about an hour with him today; then they came in to take him for a nap. My translator questioned that because his nap time is scheduled for 2 to 4 PM. Well apparently little BB has given up on the 2-4 nap so they put him down at 5 PM for an hour before dinner. He is messing with their schedule. I’m not sure if I’ll see him again this trip, we’ll have to see.
After they took him away, the Baby House Director came in to talk to me about court. She wanted to know if I had any questions, if I had my speech ready, what was in my speech, what needed to be in my speech, possible questions they can ask me, etc. She expressed some of the same concerns that Bayan expressed to me yesterday, apparently they weren’t all worst case scenarios. It was very nice of her to take the time to talk to me.
I’m going to re-write my speech now and try to memorize it before tomorrow. Wish me luck tomorrow; I’m going to need it! Good night, Chris
After they took him away, the Baby House Director came in to talk to me about court. She wanted to know if I had any questions, if I had my speech ready, what was in my speech, what needed to be in my speech, possible questions they can ask me, etc. She expressed some of the same concerns that Bayan expressed to me yesterday, apparently they weren’t all worst case scenarios. It was very nice of her to take the time to talk to me.
I’m going to re-write my speech now and try to memorize it before tomorrow. Wish me luck tomorrow; I’m going to need it! Good night, Chris
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Six Down, Six To Go
I’ve made it to Almaty once again; six of the twelve flights I will have to take to complete this journey are done. From the flight standpoint I’m half way there, from the process standpoint, halfway is a long time ago. This trip took me to Amsterdam with a seven hour layover. Like many others, I spent the layover being a tourist. I went to Keukenhof. Keukenhof calls itself ‘the most beautiful spring garden in the word’. It’s hard to argue, there were beautiful grounds, fresh hot waffles, and tulips everywhere. I’ve added some pictures below.
I just met with my court translator and the CHI Kazakhstan coordinator, her name is Bayan, to prep for court. I had not met the Bayan before, she was filing in for Olga who is with another family today. We went over a lot of what they can ask me, how the process can go, the problems that can occur, what to expect, etc. They told me the best and worst case scenarios. They told me I have to be calm in court; I’ll make an attempt to be calm on the outside. While speaking with them my translator from the last trip called to wish me a happy birthday, she says that since I arrived in Almaty on my birthday, my birthday will bring me luck in court on Tuesday, I hope she’s right! During this meeting Bayan said she had to leave for a few minutes, she said she had to make a phone call. She came back with flowers for me for my birthday; that was very nice of her.
I get to go see BB tomorrow afternoon, I can’t wait!
It’s a nice spring day here in Almaty so I’m going to go for a walk now. Take care, Chris
Happy Birthday to Tommy and Gavin.
I just met with my court translator and the CHI Kazakhstan coordinator, her name is Bayan, to prep for court. I had not met the Bayan before, she was filing in for Olga who is with another family today. We went over a lot of what they can ask me, how the process can go, the problems that can occur, what to expect, etc. They told me the best and worst case scenarios. They told me I have to be calm in court; I’ll make an attempt to be calm on the outside. While speaking with them my translator from the last trip called to wish me a happy birthday, she says that since I arrived in Almaty on my birthday, my birthday will bring me luck in court on Tuesday, I hope she’s right! During this meeting Bayan said she had to leave for a few minutes, she said she had to make a phone call. She came back with flowers for me for my birthday; that was very nice of her.
I get to go see BB tomorrow afternoon, I can’t wait!
It’s a nice spring day here in Almaty so I’m going to go for a walk now. Take care, Chris
Happy Birthday to Tommy and Gavin.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Off I Go!
I’m packed and ready to go. As it turns out I have to be in Kazakhstan early on Sunday May 4th so I can meet with my coordinator. This moves my flights up one day; I am leaving tomorrow night, May 2nd for arrival in Almaty at 5:10 AM Sunday morning. The good news is I will get to see my BB on Monday, I can’t wait! Thanks to all of you for your prayers and good wishes, they really mean a lot to me. I’ll post again when I get to Almaty, take care, Chris
Saturday, April 26, 2008
I Believe It's Time For Me To Fly!
At about noon yesterday afternoon I received another of the long awaited calls in this process, I have a court date! It’s Tuesday May 6th. I will be leaving on May 3rd for a May 4th arrival and coming home on May 8th. This will be a very short but very important trip. After the Judge rules in my favor, and of course I hope and pray that he/she will, I will be going back to Kazakhstan in early June to bring BB home. I am still waiting to hear about whether or not I will be able to see BB on this trip, I hope so! I have lots to do to get ready for my trip, I’ll keep you all posted. Chris
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Six Weeks
While I'm waiting for my court date I decided I would continue to post to my blog so here you go. Last Monday I went to NYC to try to get the new documents the Judge requested notarized, authenticated and apostilled, it was not as simple as it should have been to say the least! I was able to get six of the eight documents done; they are on their way to Almaty now. Yesterday I received new copies of the other two documents he requested so this morning I went back to NYC to get all of the required stamps and approvals, those two documents are on their way to St. Louis now, from there they will also be sent to Almaty.
Today is six weeks since my papers were submitted to the Ecik court, no update. Missing my baby boy a lot today, Chris
Today is six weeks since my papers were submitted to the Ecik court, no update. Missing my baby boy a lot today, Chris
Friday, April 11, 2008
One Month Ago Today
Exactly one month ago today, March 11th. my papers were submitted to the court in Ecik. Today I received an update; apparently I will not get a court date for at least another month. My coordinator in Almaty has frequent contact with the Judge and he has decided to ‘take advantage of all of the time given to him by law’ before he assigns my court date. When I received my invitation to travel in February, CHI was told the time allowed by law to assign a court date is three months, the information CHI received today implied that the time allowed by law is two months, we are not sure which is right and in this process it may be very difficult to find out which it is. I know of two other families adopting from Ecik who have been waiting over four months for their court dates. So I am basically in limbo for at least another month if not two or more. The good Judge has decided to keep me occupied while I wait, he has asked for new and multiple copies of several of my documents. The process to notarize, authenticate and apostille will begin once again for the requested documents.
To those of you who have seen me type Issyk before, Ecik and Issyk are the same place, one is the Kazakh spelling and one is the Russian spelling.
That’s it for now and apparently for quite awhile. Chris
To those of you who have seen me type Issyk before, Ecik and Issyk are the same place, one is the Kazakh spelling and one is the Russian spelling.
That’s it for now and apparently for quite awhile. Chris
Sunday, April 6, 2008
A Shower, But No Rain
Yesterday my sister Maria and friend Emily through a baby shower for me and BB. Many of my family and friends came to help me prepare for the eventual arrival of BB. We received many gifts, clothes, a car seat, a stroller, many books, gift cards, and a hand made blanket to name a few. It was great to see my friends and family. I think a good time was had by all. Thanks to Maria and Emily for throwing the shower and to all my family and friends who came and made the day special. Special thanks to Margery and Ibby who sent gifts but were unable to attend, I hope you are both feeling better soon. Take care, Chris
Monday, March 31, 2008
My Holiday…
Today is a holiday for me; no it’s not the date March 31st. that’s the holiday. My holiday falls on a different spring date every year; my holiday is Opening Day at Yankee Stadium. I have been going to Opening Day since I was a teenager; let me say it for you, that’s a long time! I have sat through the first game of the New York Yankees baseball season on glorious sunny spring days, in the pouring rain, in frigid cold and in blinding snowstorms. The weather on Opening Day is just as much a part of the ritual as the tailgating is before the game.
Every Opening Day offers eternal optimism for the die hard baseball fan, will my team have a chance, will this be the year that my team wins it all? Before I became a partial season ticket holder I used to buy tickets for two games before the season started, Opening Day and the last game of the season. I would have tickets in my hands for the start of something that could truly be magical and tickets for the end of something that just might mean something, who knows, they might have to win the last game of the season to get into the playoffs. Once again, the baseball optimist strikes!
This year I did not buy tickets for Opening Day, tickets go on sale months before the season starts and as many of you know, I am waiting for travel dates to go back to Kazakhstan. So my streak of Opening Day games ends, but only temporarily. Once my BB is old enough, we will have to start another streak, my spring holiday will become his spring holiday and we will share this spring ritual together. I hope I can impart my love for the game and my eternal baseball optimism to BB. I'd like to start that soon!
On that note, I am still waiting for my court date and I have not heard anything yet. I’ll post it here when I hear something. Missing BB…. Chris
P.S. This morning it was very strange for me to get ready for work and to not be getting ready to go to the game. I felt that familiar tug that meant I should be on my way to the Bronx. Right now it is 2:10 PM and the Yankees Home Opener is in a rain delay, they are not sure they will get the game in today. Been there, done that! Go Yanks!!!
Every Opening Day offers eternal optimism for the die hard baseball fan, will my team have a chance, will this be the year that my team wins it all? Before I became a partial season ticket holder I used to buy tickets for two games before the season started, Opening Day and the last game of the season. I would have tickets in my hands for the start of something that could truly be magical and tickets for the end of something that just might mean something, who knows, they might have to win the last game of the season to get into the playoffs. Once again, the baseball optimist strikes!
This year I did not buy tickets for Opening Day, tickets go on sale months before the season starts and as many of you know, I am waiting for travel dates to go back to Kazakhstan. So my streak of Opening Day games ends, but only temporarily. Once my BB is old enough, we will have to start another streak, my spring holiday will become his spring holiday and we will share this spring ritual together. I hope I can impart my love for the game and my eternal baseball optimism to BB. I'd like to start that soon!
On that note, I am still waiting for my court date and I have not heard anything yet. I’ll post it here when I hear something. Missing BB…. Chris
P.S. This morning it was very strange for me to get ready for work and to not be getting ready to go to the game. I felt that familiar tug that meant I should be on my way to the Bronx. Right now it is 2:10 PM and the Yankees Home Opener is in a rain delay, they are not sure they will get the game in today. Been there, done that! Go Yanks!!!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
As Promised, More Pictures.....
A little boy checking out the pigeons in Paniflov Park.

A little girl feeding the pigeons in Paniflov Park.

A little boy in Paniflov Park.

Taking wedding photo's at Republic Square on International Woman's Day.

On the way to Ecik, these men lit this pit every morning, seems like they were preparing it for lunch.

I think she was a homeless woman in Almaty.

Young men in Paniflov Park.

Women walking in Paniflov Park.

Taking pictures in front of the War Memorial in Paniflov Park on International Women's day. Are they retired soldiers?

A little boy on a horse in Panoflov Park on International Women's Day.

A street vendor outside of the Green Market.

A vendor inside of the Green Market.

Three young men leaving a supermarket in Ecik.

Two men having a conversation almost every morning on the way to Ecik.

A woman on a park bench in Almaty.

On the way to Ecik, people walking to get water.

A future ice skating star and her coach at the ice skating rink at RamStor.

Two men at a bus stop on the way to Ecik. Each bus stop has a unique mosaic design.

A little girl feeding the pigeons in Paniflov Park.

A little boy in Paniflov Park.

Taking wedding photo's at Republic Square on International Woman's Day.

On the way to Ecik, these men lit this pit every morning, seems like they were preparing it for lunch.

I think she was a homeless woman in Almaty.

Young men in Paniflov Park.

Women walking in Paniflov Park.

Taking pictures in front of the War Memorial in Paniflov Park on International Women's day. Are they retired soldiers?

A little boy on a horse in Panoflov Park on International Women's Day.

A street vendor outside of the Green Market.

A vendor inside of the Green Market.

Three young men leaving a supermarket in Ecik.

Two men having a conversation almost every morning on the way to Ecik.

A woman on a park bench in Almaty.

On the way to Ecik, people walking to get water.

A future ice skating star and her coach at the ice skating rink at RamStor.

Two men at a bus stop on the way to Ecik. Each bus stop has a unique mosaic design.

Thursday, March 20, 2008
Happy Spring!
Today, the first day of spring is my favorite day of the year so I thought I would wish you all a happy spring! I hope you enjoy all the changes and renewal that spring brings. Unfortunately I don't have an update, it's much too soon. I miss my BB. Take care, Chris
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Four Down, Eight to Go
I made it safely back to the U.S. today, it took twenty-six hours door to door. I have now completed four of my twelve long flights to bring my BB home. Before anyone asks, I have no idea when I will be returning to Kazakhstan, as soon as I know I will post it here.
I had my last visit with BB for awhile on Saturday morning. He was feeling a little better but not great. He has four teeth coming in on top and he is suffering. The Russian woman was also visiting her son again, this kept BB interested for a little while. I fed him and then was asked if I would like to take him outside. As they say in Kazakhstan, ‘of course’. They gave me a heavy snow suit, I bundled him up and we went outside. They told me, don’t let him fall asleep but they didn’t tell him not to fall asleep. He feel asleep again in my arms, they are probably happy I won’t be visiting for awhile so they can get him back on their rigid schedule. It was very hard to say good bye to him at the end of my visit.
After my visit, I went back to the hotel to pack. A little later in the afternoon, Sara and Julian picked me up; they bought tickets for the circus. It was a water based circus and it was interesting to see what another culture performs in a circus. They had some acts I had never seen before, one was with bubbles of all sizes and another one with trained house cats, I never thought house cats could be trained, I always thought they trained humans! After the circus they took me out to dinner at a Moroccan restaurant. The food was very good, Julian thought it was Moroccan with a Kazakh flare, either way it was very good. It was very nice of them to take me out on my last day in Almaty. I have enjoyed walking all over Almaty with Sara and Julian for the last two weeks. We walked, talked, ate, had many ‘friendly competitions’ and laughed our way through the city and this adoption experience. I will miss spending time with them. I hope they get to bring their beautiful baby girl home soon!
Until I am ready to travel again, I will not be updating my blog regularly. I will post more pictures over the next couple of weeks, so if you’re interested, check back occasionally.
As my translator said to me, ‘Chris, you have to say goodbye before you say hello again.’ I look forward to saying hello to my BB again soon. Take care, Chris
I had my last visit with BB for awhile on Saturday morning. He was feeling a little better but not great. He has four teeth coming in on top and he is suffering. The Russian woman was also visiting her son again, this kept BB interested for a little while. I fed him and then was asked if I would like to take him outside. As they say in Kazakhstan, ‘of course’. They gave me a heavy snow suit, I bundled him up and we went outside. They told me, don’t let him fall asleep but they didn’t tell him not to fall asleep. He feel asleep again in my arms, they are probably happy I won’t be visiting for awhile so they can get him back on their rigid schedule. It was very hard to say good bye to him at the end of my visit.
After my visit, I went back to the hotel to pack. A little later in the afternoon, Sara and Julian picked me up; they bought tickets for the circus. It was a water based circus and it was interesting to see what another culture performs in a circus. They had some acts I had never seen before, one was with bubbles of all sizes and another one with trained house cats, I never thought house cats could be trained, I always thought they trained humans! After the circus they took me out to dinner at a Moroccan restaurant. The food was very good, Julian thought it was Moroccan with a Kazakh flare, either way it was very good. It was very nice of them to take me out on my last day in Almaty. I have enjoyed walking all over Almaty with Sara and Julian for the last two weeks. We walked, talked, ate, had many ‘friendly competitions’ and laughed our way through the city and this adoption experience. I will miss spending time with them. I hope they get to bring their beautiful baby girl home soon!
Until I am ready to travel again, I will not be updating my blog regularly. I will post more pictures over the next couple of weeks, so if you’re interested, check back occasionally.
As my translator said to me, ‘Chris, you have to say goodbye before you say hello again.’ I look forward to saying hello to my BB again soon. Take care, Chris
Friday, March 14, 2008
Sleep Little BB
Today I was back on schedule for my 8:30 AM pickup to go to the baby house. Asiya, my translator joined us today, it was a good day to have her with me. Once we arrived at the baby house we went into the office and I had to sign several papers which Asiya translated for me. While in the office they bought BB in who looked a little surprised, but not happy, they said it was because he had never been in this room before. What can you say; you just go with what they tell you. Once I finished signing all of the papers, I took BB into the playroom. Let’s just say I’ve seen him happier. Shortly after we got into the playroom they bought his food in, usually I can’t start feeding him fast enough. Not today, he started screaming when I put him in his chair so I tried the high chair, he was still screaming and refusing to eat. After I walked around with him for a few minutes to calm him down and knowing they would not be happy at all if he didn’t eat, I fed him while holding him in my arms and standing, it worked, he ate about 95% of his food. Well 95% wasn’t making the care taker happy, she told me through my translator that he eats this amount every day and he would have to wait until 2 PM to eat again. She tried to give him the rest of his food then finally decided to tell him to be patient for his next feeding and left. Not long after that he fell asleep in my arms and slept there for about an hour, until they came to get him. The first question out of the caretakers mouth was how long has he been sleeping? Of course we said he just fell asleep because she was taking him for his nap. I thought he was sick, but as it turns out she told us that he did not sleep well that morning. When I handed him to her he woke up with that big bright smile again, all was good for me, not sure how well he slept during his nap after I left but I enjoyed my visit!
Today was an absolutely beautiful spring day in Kazakhstan; it had to be at least sixty-five degrees out. I walked down to Paniflov Park, met Sara and Julian and then we did a little shopping on our way over to Yubileyny. It is a food stand that sells tortilla-wrapped doner kebabs. They are stuffed with meat, onions, carrots, pickles, sour cream and French fries. We picked some up and went and sat in one of the numerous parks here to eat, they were good. While in the park we heard very loud music so we walked to it. There was a stage set up and a rally going on, there were signs and hats which translate to something like ‘For a Green City’. We think it has to do with the upcoming national Spring Holiday on March 22nd. Several different people performed, kids were dancing all over the place, police were everywhere and it was being filmed. We started to walk back to my hotel; the park that was behind the stage was lined with Military personnel, one about every ten feet. It put an entirely different feel on what we had just seen, makes you wonder how peaceful this rally really was. Anyway, it was a fun night and we all got free hats!
Tomorrow will be my last day to see BB for a while. I hope he's feeling better tomorrow. I’m not looking forward to leaving him especially since I don’t know how long it will be before I see him again. Hopefully it will be soon! Take care, Chris
Today was an absolutely beautiful spring day in Kazakhstan; it had to be at least sixty-five degrees out. I walked down to Paniflov Park, met Sara and Julian and then we did a little shopping on our way over to Yubileyny. It is a food stand that sells tortilla-wrapped doner kebabs. They are stuffed with meat, onions, carrots, pickles, sour cream and French fries. We picked some up and went and sat in one of the numerous parks here to eat, they were good. While in the park we heard very loud music so we walked to it. There was a stage set up and a rally going on, there were signs and hats which translate to something like ‘For a Green City’. We think it has to do with the upcoming national Spring Holiday on March 22nd. Several different people performed, kids were dancing all over the place, police were everywhere and it was being filmed. We started to walk back to my hotel; the park that was behind the stage was lined with Military personnel, one about every ten feet. It put an entirely different feel on what we had just seen, makes you wonder how peaceful this rally really was. Anyway, it was a fun night and we all got free hats!
Tomorrow will be my last day to see BB for a while. I hope he's feeling better tomorrow. I’m not looking forward to leaving him especially since I don’t know how long it will be before I see him again. Hopefully it will be soon! Take care, Chris
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Let Sleeping BB’s Lie
Today was an interesting day, I was told yesterday that my coordinator needed to take care of some business on my behalf and she needed my driver to do it so I would not be picked up to go to the baby house until 2 PM. OK, since I always see BB in the morning, I was interested in seeing BB in the afternoon. At about 11 AM, my phone rang, Dusen, my driver was on his way to pick me up and he’ll be at the hotel in about twenty minutes. Five minutes after that the phone rang again, Dusen was down stairs waiting for me. It took me a few minutes to get downstairs and when I did he was standing outside, not in his car. I was having a problem with my phone so I asked him to call my translator for me; he did and told her to call me back. I was concerned that we were going to arrive at the baby house during BB’s nap. I was asking the translator if someone called the baby house to let them know I was coming now, during BB’s nap, her reply to me was that the baby house doctor and the Director of the Ministry of Education were in the car so they knew I was going at that time. I was shocked, someone is in the car and here I am standing outside of the car for five minutes talking to my driver and translator and making the people who are trying to help me wait. Of course I said hello and I’m sorry I made you wait but the only part of what I said that was understood was hello. So for the next hour I sat quietly in the car and listened to the three of them laugh and talk in Russian.
When we arrived at the baby house I went into the playroom and waited for BB. When they bought him in it was obvious they had just woke him from his nap. Needless to say he was not a happy boy; he was very sleepy and didn’t want to leave his caregivers arms. He exercised his displeasure with being roused form his nap and he exercised his lungs as well. After a few minutes I got him to settle down, but he was not his usual happy self for most of the visit. He played a little bit but he was basically weepy until probably about the time he was supposed to get up from his nap. Shortly after he started playing with me, they came and got him for whatever he has on his day planner at 2 PM.
The bad part of this whole thing is that they were unable to complete the business that they were trying to do so they will try again in a few days.
We got back to the hotel later this afternoon, by this time the rain had cleared and it turned out to be a nice day. You guessed it, time to walk again. Sara called and asked me if I wanted to see the American Idol results show so I headed out again. This time, I took a different route, one without my unintentional detours and made it to her and Julian’s apartment in about 30 minutes. We had dinner, watched Idol and had a nice evening. Then Sara and Julian walked me back to the hotel, they escorted me back after dark, I appreciate that!
I only have two more days to visit with BB. Although I am anxious to come home the thought of leaving him gets harder and harder every day. I can only hope I get a quick court date and get back here to see him again as soon as possible. Take care, Chris
When we arrived at the baby house I went into the playroom and waited for BB. When they bought him in it was obvious they had just woke him from his nap. Needless to say he was not a happy boy; he was very sleepy and didn’t want to leave his caregivers arms. He exercised his displeasure with being roused form his nap and he exercised his lungs as well. After a few minutes I got him to settle down, but he was not his usual happy self for most of the visit. He played a little bit but he was basically weepy until probably about the time he was supposed to get up from his nap. Shortly after he started playing with me, they came and got him for whatever he has on his day planner at 2 PM.
The bad part of this whole thing is that they were unable to complete the business that they were trying to do so they will try again in a few days.
We got back to the hotel later this afternoon, by this time the rain had cleared and it turned out to be a nice day. You guessed it, time to walk again. Sara called and asked me if I wanted to see the American Idol results show so I headed out again. This time, I took a different route, one without my unintentional detours and made it to her and Julian’s apartment in about 30 minutes. We had dinner, watched Idol and had a nice evening. Then Sara and Julian walked me back to the hotel, they escorted me back after dark, I appreciate that!
I only have two more days to visit with BB. Although I am anxious to come home the thought of leaving him gets harder and harder every day. I can only hope I get a quick court date and get back here to see him again as soon as possible. Take care, Chris
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Today was an interesting day at the baby house, when I went into the play room, for the first time there was another person there with a baby. She was singing in Russian or Kazakh to the baby. The baby was very young; I asked her how old and she held up four fingers, four months. I asked her adoption and she said yes. Many of you know the children are on a registry for six months before they are available for international adoption, during that time Kazakh citizens can adopt the children. That’s what appeared to be taking place. I wonder if the Kazakh citizens have to do the required fourteen day bonding period like we do. It was good to see and another new experience for me in Kazakhstan.
BB was good today; he cried when I finished feeding him, he always wants more. I know he gets fed several times a day but I wonder if he knows what it’s like to feel full. That will be something new for him in the future. BB was not feeling great today, we played for a while and then he just didn’t want to be put down so I suffered through it and held him for most of our time together. He still has a cold and he spit up four times today, he hasn’t spit up once in three weeks. Maybe it was bad porridge, ha ha ha.
On the way back from the baby house, I finalized my travel arrangements home for Sunday. I will be taking the 4 AM flight out of Almaty on Sunday morning, lucky me! I’m looking forward to coming home but once I’m home I will be anxiously waiting to come back. Hopefully I’ll know my court/return date soon.
It was a pretty sunny and warm afternoon so when I got back to the hotel I took a walk back down to Paniflov Park. There were a lot of people in the park enjoying the nice day. It was a nice day for a walk. When I returned to the hotel they had the lobby torn apart, they are putting in all new lobby furniture, makes me think I was gone for a long time!
Sara called and invited me over to their apartment for a home cooked meal. I walked over to their apartment; however I took an unintentional detour. The walk that should have taken me thirty-five minutes or so, it took over an hour. I knew the street name to turn on but of course I know it in English, you would think by now I would have learned to read Russian or Kazakh, not! The walk wasn’t bad, I saw new parts of the city that I had not seen yet and of course it was in the daylight. So needless to say, I did a lot of walking today but it was well worth it, Julian made a delicious pasta dinner for us and we watched a little bit of American Idol. After good food and good conversation they walked me back to the hotel.
Three days left on trip number one. By the time I'm done here I may be able to sponser city walking tours, ha ha ha! Have a good day/night, Chris
BB was good today; he cried when I finished feeding him, he always wants more. I know he gets fed several times a day but I wonder if he knows what it’s like to feel full. That will be something new for him in the future. BB was not feeling great today, we played for a while and then he just didn’t want to be put down so I suffered through it and held him for most of our time together. He still has a cold and he spit up four times today, he hasn’t spit up once in three weeks. Maybe it was bad porridge, ha ha ha.
On the way back from the baby house, I finalized my travel arrangements home for Sunday. I will be taking the 4 AM flight out of Almaty on Sunday morning, lucky me! I’m looking forward to coming home but once I’m home I will be anxiously waiting to come back. Hopefully I’ll know my court/return date soon.
It was a pretty sunny and warm afternoon so when I got back to the hotel I took a walk back down to Paniflov Park. There were a lot of people in the park enjoying the nice day. It was a nice day for a walk. When I returned to the hotel they had the lobby torn apart, they are putting in all new lobby furniture, makes me think I was gone for a long time!
Sara called and invited me over to their apartment for a home cooked meal. I walked over to their apartment; however I took an unintentional detour. The walk that should have taken me thirty-five minutes or so, it took over an hour. I knew the street name to turn on but of course I know it in English, you would think by now I would have learned to read Russian or Kazakh, not! The walk wasn’t bad, I saw new parts of the city that I had not seen yet and of course it was in the daylight. So needless to say, I did a lot of walking today but it was well worth it, Julian made a delicious pasta dinner for us and we watched a little bit of American Idol. After good food and good conversation they walked me back to the hotel.
Three days left on trip number one. By the time I'm done here I may be able to sponser city walking tours, ha ha ha! Have a good day/night, Chris
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Still Here, Still Visiting BB
Yesterday I showed BB a picture of himself on my camera, today BB showed me a sneaky side, every time he thought I wasn’t looking he went straight for my camera. He’s quick, but not subtle! We had a good visit today, he was very active and apparently very hungry, and when I finished giving him all of the food they prepared for him he started screaming for more, he’s got a good appetite. But he settled down and we played for the rest of my visit.
Today I did a lot of paperwork, today is the first day they were able to officially submit my adoption request to the court, now it’s time to wait for a court date.
I met Sara and Julian for dinner tonight; we went to the Guinness Pub. The food is decent and we had a good time talking and laughing about this process. Who knows what it has in store for us next? Everyday is a new adventure in a foreign land and language. Have a good day/night. Chris
Today I did a lot of paperwork, today is the first day they were able to officially submit my adoption request to the court, now it’s time to wait for a court date.
I met Sara and Julian for dinner tonight; we went to the Guinness Pub. The food is decent and we had a good time talking and laughing about this process. Who knows what it has in store for us next? Everyday is a new adventure in a foreign land and language. Have a good day/night. Chris
Monday, March 10, 2008
Baby House Day 14
BB was in a much better mood today and somehow we were able to avoid chewing on wood! When I was feeding him today he reminded me that I was not doing it fast enough, I paused and he opened his mouth wide as if to ask me where’s the food? We played for a while and he chewed on every toy he could get his little hands on except his teething ring! Today completes my required fourteen day bonding period, but since I am staying for several more days I’ll get to see BB each day. It’s going to be very hard to leave him.
After my visit with BB, I met my coordinator, translator and driver, we had some business to take care of and then we went out for lunch. We went to Mehpamxaha, an authentic Kazakh restaurant. The food was good and we all had a good time.
It’s a little rainy today so I won’t be able to walk, time to watch a couple of movies and relax. Take care, Chris
After my visit with BB, I met my coordinator, translator and driver, we had some business to take care of and then we went out for lunch. We went to Mehpamxaha, an authentic Kazakh restaurant. The food was good and we all had a good time.
It’s a little rainy today so I won’t be able to walk, time to watch a couple of movies and relax. Take care, Chris
Sunday, March 9, 2008
National Women’s Day
I think even Mother Nature knew it was National Women’s Day in Kazakhstan yesterday. It was a beautiful sunny day with temperatures in the low 50’s. I spent the day with Sara and Julian. We walked, shopped, walked, ate, talked, walked and acted like tourists taking pictures along the way. We had a very nice day. The streets were full of people celebrating the holiday. It seems that prominent gifts for Women’s Day are flowers and cakes; the streets were lined with vendors selling gorgeous flowers, mostly roses and tulips. We went to Paniflov Park which is named for the Paniflov Heroes, they are the twenty-eight soldiers who died fighting off Nazi tanks in a village outside of Moscow in 1941. There is a huge war memorial to the Paniflov Heroes and an eternal flame in the park commemorating the soldiers of the Civil War and WWII.
The Zhenkov Cathedral is also in the park, it is made entirely of wood, even the nails are made from wood. From there we went over to the Zelyony Bazaar, otherwise know as the Green Market, it is recognized as the city’s most colorful market, we spent quite a while strolling through the market. We continued through the Silk Way walkway and mall over to TsUM and did some shopping. We ate then went back to Sara and Julian’s, they are staying in a nice apartment which is about a 40 minute walk from my hotel. We were out walking for about eight and a half hours, sorry I didn't post when I got back last night.
Today, Sunday, March 09, 2008, I went to see BB. It takes about fifteen minutes less traveling time to see him on the weekends. I think they were still in the holiday mood at the baby house, we arrived there a few minutes early and he had already been fed. He too seemed to have to much holiday spirit remaining from yesterday, he was fussy all morning and was totally mad at me when I wouldn’t let him put a wooden box in his mouth, then he tried to chew a wooden table and was even unhappier when I wouldn’t let him chew that either. His caretaker came in early to get him, so I only spent about an hour and a half with him today. Hopefully he will not be so fussy tomorrow.
This afternoon Sara and Julian came to meet me and we walked around my end of the city, we went to Republic Square and then to the RamStor. At Republic Square we saw several wedding parties, it seems like a tradition to get your wedding photos taken at the square and then make a wish on the golden hand. Later we went to dinner at the Guinness Pub. It had looked like it was going to rain all day, when we came out of the Pub it finally was. I’ve posted some pictures of our National Women’s Day walking tour and some pictures of the landscape that I see every day on my ride to the Issyk baby house. I hope you like them. Take care, Chris
The Zhenkov Cathedral is also in the park, it is made entirely of wood, even the nails are made from wood. From there we went over to the Zelyony Bazaar, otherwise know as the Green Market, it is recognized as the city’s most colorful market, we spent quite a while strolling through the market. We continued through the Silk Way walkway and mall over to TsUM and did some shopping. We ate then went back to Sara and Julian’s, they are staying in a nice apartment which is about a 40 minute walk from my hotel. We were out walking for about eight and a half hours, sorry I didn't post when I got back last night.
Today, Sunday, March 09, 2008, I went to see BB. It takes about fifteen minutes less traveling time to see him on the weekends. I think they were still in the holiday mood at the baby house, we arrived there a few minutes early and he had already been fed. He too seemed to have to much holiday spirit remaining from yesterday, he was fussy all morning and was totally mad at me when I wouldn’t let him put a wooden box in his mouth, then he tried to chew a wooden table and was even unhappier when I wouldn’t let him chew that either. His caretaker came in early to get him, so I only spent about an hour and a half with him today. Hopefully he will not be so fussy tomorrow.
This afternoon Sara and Julian came to meet me and we walked around my end of the city, we went to Republic Square and then to the RamStor. At Republic Square we saw several wedding parties, it seems like a tradition to get your wedding photos taken at the square and then make a wish on the golden hand. Later we went to dinner at the Guinness Pub. It had looked like it was going to rain all day, when we came out of the Pub it finally was. I’ve posted some pictures of our National Women’s Day walking tour and some pictures of the landscape that I see every day on my ride to the Issyk baby house. I hope you like them. Take care, Chris
Friday, March 7, 2008
Baby House Day 12
Today’s trip to the baby house took new and different turns. To start with my translator was thirty minutes late. It’s not like my day is full, but the one thing I have to do is be at the baby house on time otherwise I have less time with BB. So because we were late, I was unable to feed him today. All was forgotten when they bought him in to the room, for the first time he reacted to me like he reacts to his caretakers, he was excited and what seemed like surprised to see me. It was great! We played for a while, he climbed all over me and we had fun. He was much more active and talkative than yesterday, I hope this means he is getting over his cold. His caretaker told me that he is in a group of twelve children and now he is not happy being with his group, she says he wants the one-on-one time with me. Not sure how she knows this, but I’ll take it.
During my visit the baby house director came in and asked if I could stay a few more days past my required bonding period which ends on Sunday. She said it would be better for the court if I stayed. I met with my coordinator this afternoon, who also said it would be better if I stayed. Apparently it will look much better if I don’t just do my fourteen days and leave, they like to see more of a commitment. So, I am trying to change my flights so I can stay a few extra days. It looks like I will come home next Sunday, the 16th if I can make the flight changes. This change will make going to work on Monday the 17th interesting to say the least, how well do you think I’ll be able to concentrate after the flights and time change, should be a fun day.
Tomorrow is a national holiday in Kazakhstan, it’s National Women’s Day. It seems to be a very big holiday; the schools will be closed Monday because the holiday falls on Saturday. The baby house director told me I could visit with BB tomorrow; she would let the guard know I would be coming. Slight problem, my driver wants the holiday off so my coordinator asked me if I could take the day off so he could enjoy the holiday with his wife and daughter. I agreed, although I’m going to miss my little BB tomorrow.
One of the families that I have spent a lot of time with this past week is going home tonight; they will be leaving with their new baby boy, James. It has been great getting to know them and spending time with them and I wish them a safe trip back to Virginia.
Thanks to all who have been e-mailing and responding to my blog, both provide a nice connection to home. Good morning/night. Chris
During my visit the baby house director came in and asked if I could stay a few more days past my required bonding period which ends on Sunday. She said it would be better for the court if I stayed. I met with my coordinator this afternoon, who also said it would be better if I stayed. Apparently it will look much better if I don’t just do my fourteen days and leave, they like to see more of a commitment. So, I am trying to change my flights so I can stay a few extra days. It looks like I will come home next Sunday, the 16th if I can make the flight changes. This change will make going to work on Monday the 17th interesting to say the least, how well do you think I’ll be able to concentrate after the flights and time change, should be a fun day.
Tomorrow is a national holiday in Kazakhstan, it’s National Women’s Day. It seems to be a very big holiday; the schools will be closed Monday because the holiday falls on Saturday. The baby house director told me I could visit with BB tomorrow; she would let the guard know I would be coming. Slight problem, my driver wants the holiday off so my coordinator asked me if I could take the day off so he could enjoy the holiday with his wife and daughter. I agreed, although I’m going to miss my little BB tomorrow.
One of the families that I have spent a lot of time with this past week is going home tonight; they will be leaving with their new baby boy, James. It has been great getting to know them and spending time with them and I wish them a safe trip back to Virginia.
Thanks to all who have been e-mailing and responding to my blog, both provide a nice connection to home. Good morning/night. Chris
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Baby House Day 11
I have been riding in a car for 2 ½ hours a day back and forth to the baby house. I don’t mind the ride at all; the prize at the end of the ride is well worth it. For eleven days my driver has been playing a couple of cassette tapes of various Russian/Kazakh songs. I thought I was ignoring this music pretty well until I realized that I keep repeating it over and over in my head even when I’m not in the car. I don’t know how to speak Russian or Kazakh but apparently now I know some of their most popular rap and rock songs. To top it all off I don’t even like the music, but I can sing it!
My visit with BB was good today, he seemed a little tired and fussy but we had fun. I fed him again and them we played for a while. My watch stopped the second day I was here so when I’m with him I have no idea what time it is, but, I can tell when my visit is almost over. About twenty minutes before it ends, he starts getting tired and he rubs his eyes and kind of winds down. His schedule is that he goes in for a nap at noon, about twenty minutes before he is getting himself prepared. He’s a cute little clock.
Asiya, my translator was with us today. She hasn’t been with me while I visited BB since early last week. Asiya commented that he seems much more comfortable with me. He climbs all over me now and seems to like sitting on my lap or on my legs or just wants me to hold him, we are making progress! I have been asking him, where’s Mama? BB now looks up at me when I ask the question; again, we are making progress.
Last night I went to an Indian restaurant with another adoptive family. It is called Govinda’s, it is a Hari Kristner restaurant which means it is all vegetarian and it was not spicy but the food was very good. We had a good time.
Take care, Chris
My visit with BB was good today, he seemed a little tired and fussy but we had fun. I fed him again and them we played for a while. My watch stopped the second day I was here so when I’m with him I have no idea what time it is, but, I can tell when my visit is almost over. About twenty minutes before it ends, he starts getting tired and he rubs his eyes and kind of winds down. His schedule is that he goes in for a nap at noon, about twenty minutes before he is getting himself prepared. He’s a cute little clock.
Asiya, my translator was with us today. She hasn’t been with me while I visited BB since early last week. Asiya commented that he seems much more comfortable with me. He climbs all over me now and seems to like sitting on my lap or on my legs or just wants me to hold him, we are making progress! I have been asking him, where’s Mama? BB now looks up at me when I ask the question; again, we are making progress.
Last night I went to an Indian restaurant with another adoptive family. It is called Govinda’s, it is a Hari Kristner restaurant which means it is all vegetarian and it was not spicy but the food was very good. We had a good time.
Take care, Chris
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Baby House Day 10
Today BB’s cold seemed a little better and he was a much happier boy. He ate his white mush and his brown mush for me and drank all of his milk, no fussing and no help from any care takers. Then we played for a while, he was into every toy in the room. I can see why he gets such good care, when his caretaker came in to get him he took off over to her and smiled and laughed, he was so excited to see her, he was as happy as could be. She was just as happy to receive all of that love from him, he is very attached to his caretakers and they are just as attached to him. I can’t wait until he reacts to me that way, in time.
I finally made it to the TsUM today, it’s huge. I picked up a few things for BB so he will have some things that relate to his birth country when he is home.
When I arrived in Kazakhstan, it was cold with ice and snow every where. In the last ten days it has gotten progressively warmer and you can tell spring is coming. My ride to the baby house is about an hour and 15 minutes each way. When we first started going, we passed many large snow covered farming fields. Over the last couple of days I have been watching men prepare the fields for the spring plantings. I don’t know when I will be back for my next trip but it will be interesting to see nature’s progress when I return. Hopefully it will be soon and there will be very little progress!
Chrissy, a.k.a C2, happy birthday!! Have a good day/night. Chris
I finally made it to the TsUM today, it’s huge. I picked up a few things for BB so he will have some things that relate to his birth country when he is home.
When I arrived in Kazakhstan, it was cold with ice and snow every where. In the last ten days it has gotten progressively warmer and you can tell spring is coming. My ride to the baby house is about an hour and 15 minutes each way. When we first started going, we passed many large snow covered farming fields. Over the last couple of days I have been watching men prepare the fields for the spring plantings. I don’t know when I will be back for my next trip but it will be interesting to see nature’s progress when I return. Hopefully it will be soon and there will be very little progress!
Chrissy, a.k.a C2, happy birthday!! Have a good day/night. Chris
Some pictures from my stroll yesterday. I thought I was in Kazakhstan, not France. I think this is the front of a casino. Thanks to Beth who commented, this is not a casino, it is a high end clothing store, she said think $1000 shoes. It might as well be a casino, at least if I wsa going to throw away $1000, I would have some fun doing it!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Baby House Day 9
BB’s cold is not getting any better but we had a good visit today. He was very playful and there were a couple of firsts. Every time he took off, he would go a few feet, turn around then look back at me to make sure I was right behind him, then he would laugh, smile and do it again. The other thing he did was climb up on my lap a few times; I think he’s actually starting to like me!
I’m still waiting for that big bright smile and all the excitement that he gives his caretakers when they come in the room; I know I’ll get it at some point. It is very obvious that he loves his caretakers, that they love him and that he is very well taken care of. He is fortunate to be in this baby house, that’s not to say that others aren’t as good, I’m just grateful that he gets such good care here.
After BB’s visit I did a little tourist stuff. I took a walk over to Republic Square then I took a different path back to the hotel passing some Kazakh casinos. When I got near the hotel, I went to the top of Kok Tobe Mountain. Kok Tobe can be seen from my hotel room. It was a somewhat clear day so I had a pretty good view of Almaty. One thing I found out when I got to the top, if you want a ride down you have to buy another ticket, the local walk down, I bought another ticket. As you are coming down the mountain you see some new construction, big houses with big driveways and a great view of the city.
Didn’t make it to TsUM today, I’m going tomorrow afternoon with Welby and a translator.
Tonight I went out to dinner with another adoptive family, Sara and Julian from Toronto; we had a really good time and they are very nice people. I feel very fortunate to be a member of this adoptive community. Everyone I have met here at all different stages of the process are so friendly and so helpful to the new arrivals. There is a true bond between the families and I’m grateful to be a part of it. That’s it for now, have a good night/day. Chris
I’m still waiting for that big bright smile and all the excitement that he gives his caretakers when they come in the room; I know I’ll get it at some point. It is very obvious that he loves his caretakers, that they love him and that he is very well taken care of. He is fortunate to be in this baby house, that’s not to say that others aren’t as good, I’m just grateful that he gets such good care here.
After BB’s visit I did a little tourist stuff. I took a walk over to Republic Square then I took a different path back to the hotel passing some Kazakh casinos. When I got near the hotel, I went to the top of Kok Tobe Mountain. Kok Tobe can be seen from my hotel room. It was a somewhat clear day so I had a pretty good view of Almaty. One thing I found out when I got to the top, if you want a ride down you have to buy another ticket, the local walk down, I bought another ticket. As you are coming down the mountain you see some new construction, big houses with big driveways and a great view of the city.
Didn’t make it to TsUM today, I’m going tomorrow afternoon with Welby and a translator.
Tonight I went out to dinner with another adoptive family, Sara and Julian from Toronto; we had a really good time and they are very nice people. I feel very fortunate to be a member of this adoptive community. Everyone I have met here at all different stages of the process are so friendly and so helpful to the new arrivals. There is a true bond between the families and I’m grateful to be a part of it. That’s it for now, have a good night/day. Chris
Monday, March 3, 2008
Baby House Day 8
As of this afternoon, I have completed day eight of my fourteen day bonding period and I’m pretty sure BB is enjoying himself. Today his cold was a little worse and he was cranky but it came and went, he was moving all over the place when he forgot to be cranky. In between his laps there were moments of whining but he was laughing and enjoying himself too! Overall I think we had a good visit.
I believe it is against their better judgment but they are still letting me feed him. I think I’m getting credit for persistence. Today all went well with his porridge but he didn’t want to drink his milk. They heard him fusing and came in, poured the milk into his empty porridge bowl and fed his milk to him with the oversized spoon they use to feed BB with. Another speed feeding trick, I guess I’ll learn more of their tricks as I show my inability to feed him to their standards. Little do they know, soon he will have a baby spoon and he will be using one himself, but we’ll keep that to ourselves for the time being.
It seems to be getting warmer here, the snow is melting and the sun is shining, not bad weather to walk around the city. I get back to the hotel from the baby house at about one o’clock so I have plenty of time to explore the city. With help from other adoptive parents who have been here before, I have been making some progress, I have been getting off the main street and seeing some of the sites on the side streets. Today we met a translator from another agency who took us to Ramstor, it’s a huge mall with an indoor ice skating rink and it’s very close to my hotel, only about a fifteen minute walk.
Tomorrow I have my sites set on TsUM, it is supposed to be the place to go to get all things Kazakhstan. After that, the market is next! We’ll see if my plans and my execution come together. Take care, Chris
I believe it is against their better judgment but they are still letting me feed him. I think I’m getting credit for persistence. Today all went well with his porridge but he didn’t want to drink his milk. They heard him fusing and came in, poured the milk into his empty porridge bowl and fed his milk to him with the oversized spoon they use to feed BB with. Another speed feeding trick, I guess I’ll learn more of their tricks as I show my inability to feed him to their standards. Little do they know, soon he will have a baby spoon and he will be using one himself, but we’ll keep that to ourselves for the time being.
It seems to be getting warmer here, the snow is melting and the sun is shining, not bad weather to walk around the city. I get back to the hotel from the baby house at about one o’clock so I have plenty of time to explore the city. With help from other adoptive parents who have been here before, I have been making some progress, I have been getting off the main street and seeing some of the sites on the side streets. Today we met a translator from another agency who took us to Ramstor, it’s a huge mall with an indoor ice skating rink and it’s very close to my hotel, only about a fifteen minute walk.
Tomorrow I have my sites set on TsUM, it is supposed to be the place to go to get all things Kazakhstan. After that, the market is next! We’ll see if my plans and my execution come together. Take care, Chris
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